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Hi, I would like to welcome you to Power to da Blue Rocks! The Home of PowerBlue, the muscle god. My name is Paul and I'd like you to know I am doing this first and foremost to get bigger than I already am. All proceeds lead to my eventual goal of becoming a pro bodybuilder.

I am far from a beginner at weight lifting and training. I started when I was 13 and from there I was hooked. My first bench max was 95lbs and my squat max was 155lbs. At that time both were more than most of my class mates. In high school, I lifted intensely for wrestling and football. However, my bench never raised over 315lbs as I had to fit into the 160lbs weight class for wrestling. When I got off to college, I started lifting serious with my roommate at the time and quickly went from 165lbs the summer after my freshman year to 195lbs. Since then I have been using several techniques to challenge my conditioning and increase my since. My highest weight is 220lbs in the summer of '08 and my highest bench max is right now somewhere over 500lbs. 

I am extremely motivated right now. Just watch a few of my videos from the time I started this blog until now and you can see the major improvements in size and its show in strength. The other day I pressed 315lbs 3 times on shoulder press. 

What should you do?
Check out my recent posts and subscribe to by using the side bar. Follow my on twitter and YouTube. There are many videos for sale on my videos page and several picture sets with previews on the picture sets page. Check out my stats pages. I should be updating that with a video soon and then every month after that. There are several good gifts on my Wish Lists all of which will help me succeed in my goals! Donations are always excepted via my PayPal link.